Junos Space Log Collector – Utilities

5 08 2016

The Juniper documentation on log collector is a bit sparse to be honest, and once it is installed, SSHing to it doesn’t seem to produce a configuration menu any more.  In order to change its config, there are some scripts, but I had to dig around for them:

[root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]# ls
adhoc.py disableExport.sh logcollectorWatchdog.py selfhealingES.py
agentScript.sh elasticDiskAllocation.py logcollectorWatchdog.pyc selfhealingES.pyc
agentUtilityScript.sh elasticDiskRollover.sh logcolmon.py startService.sh
bashUtils.sh enableExport.sh logcolmon.pyc stopService.sh
cleanZipLogs.sh generateReponse.pl lsStatisticsupdate.sh subsequentBootupdate.sh
collectSystemLogs.sh getMountLocation.sh monitorPacketDrop.sh support-diagnostics.sh
configureMailSetup.sh getRebootDetails.pl mountNfs.sh syslogForwardToggle.sh
configureNameServer.sh getSystemInfo networkScript.sh updateEtcHosts.sh
configureNode.sh getZipLogs.pl resizeFS.sh updateIndexerip.sh
configureNtp.sh initConf.pl resourceMonitoring validateIpAddress.sh
configureTimeZone.sh loadFirewal.sh rootWrapper whiteList.sh

[root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]#

They are in this directory:

[root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]# pwd
[root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]#


An important thing to be sure of is that log collector does not have two interfaces – it should have only eth0.   If it gets an IP address on eth1, you might find that logging does not work.  This is probably because it received a DHCP address on eth1, and also has a default gateway on eth1 instead of eth0.

To get around the accidental configuration of eth-1, go into /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts and edit the file ifcfg-eth1.  This will probably look as follows:

[root@LOG-COLLECTOR network-scripts]# more ifcfg-eth1

Use Vi to edit the file and change ONBOOT to equal no.  Then issue the reboot command and once it has rebooted, you should find that there is only eth0.

I then realised that there was no static route, so I used one of the network scripts mentioned above to re-apply the IP address in the hope that it would create me a default route.

To reconfigure the network interfaces, run /opt/jnpr/bin/networkScript.sh.  Doing so looks like this:

[root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]# ./networkScript.sh
1) Configure IP Address for eth0
2) Configure IP Address for eth1

Please enter your choice: 1

Setup eth0 interface

1) Configure IPV4 Address for eth0
2) Configure Mixed mode(IPV4 and IPV6) for eth0
3) Exit

Please enter your choice : 1

Setup IPV4 address for eth0 interface

Checking for IPV4 Address of the machine

Current IPV4 address is :

IPV4 Address for eth0 is already Configured.

Configure eth0 IP Address? [Y/N]

Enter the IP address:

Enter the Subnet Mask:

Enter the gateway IP

IP Entered is, netmask, gateway IP

Setting up the IP addresses

Indexer( cluster status is green.
logstash started.

Network Configuration Done !!!
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]#

Following this, I used the ‘route’ command to make sure the default gateway was set via eth0 now:

[root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask      Flags Metric Ref Use Iface     *      U      0    0     0  eth0
link-local      *        U    1002   0     0  eth0
default       UG     0    0     0  eth0
[root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]# ls


Finally, there’s some useful information on this forum posting about a few more things to check, including a healthcheck script that seems to check the various internal processes within Log Collector.  http://forums.juniper.net/t5/Network-Management/FAQ-Log-Collector-Deployment/ta-p/292769









One response

23 05 2017
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